Pick your delivery periods
Victoria to Duncan will have deliveries on every 1st, 10th, and 20th of the month. Nanaimo to Duncan will have deliveries every 7th, 17th, and 27th of the month. Check out our menu page to help decide which months are best for you.
Register by paying Membership fees.
How many months you choose is up to you, we require a 2 month minimum to help keep our planting strategy successful. Membership for 3 Extra-Large Farm Boxes delivered to your door all month is 89$ all included.
More coming soon..
We have received a large amount of interest for individual smaller boxes. We’ve heard your demands and will be making this a reality for the 2026 season.
Buying a membership as a gift is a great idea and we will happily arrange it. Simply send us a message before or after filling out the registration form.